+1 (804) 396-4309

About us

Almost every company that emerges these days has an online presence, or is actively looking for means to establish one online. Normally, they would approach freelancers or reputable companies that offer web development and design services to help them realize their goals. CiTechT ish such a high-end organization that has all the capabilities to build and develop your website with incredible astuteness and tech-savvy that translates your desires into the complex yet beautiful codes of programming language.

CiTechT specializes on web development and design that ensures each project that a client requests us to do will result in a highly professional output webpages. We have certified web designers with years of experience and a significant number of websites built for multiple clients as well as a proven track record across various business niches. The websites we’ve designed for our clients are never second best and we have their testimonials to back up our claim.

The Programming Languages We Use to Build your Website
Some of the programming languages we utilize for web development and design include Java, Python, Scala, CSS, PHP, HTML5, Ruby, C, C#, Objective C, C++, Perl, SQL, and Swift. We also work with WordPress, Joomla, Wix and other website building platforms combining our knowhow in website architecture to create amalgamations of impressive Webpages.

How We Work with Clients
We strictly adhere to best business practices in order to gain our client’s trust and build a good reputation. We follow protocols to ensure customer satisfaction. Below are those protocols implemented to achieve excellence.

  • The client contacts us for a project – this is the pre-web development stage and usually it is the client that visits our website and selects a specific web development project. However, the client is still undecided what he/she wants for their website and therefore needs to discuss it with us further.

  • Initial meeting is arranged – a Skype or Zoom meeting is the most likely medium used during the first meet up. There is no need to meet in person unless absolutely necessary.

  • Project details are discussed and the start date is set – the client then tells us exactly what they want their website to be and for what purpose they want to create it. We then try to approximate the outcome as close as we can come to what they had conveyed to us and do revisions whenever necessary, or at the client’s request.

  • Clients will actively participate throughout the web development via inputting suggestions – much like building a house; the client will work with us closely in order to realize their vision for their website. We, of course, will consider every input the client will give us and incorporate that to the overall design until the client is satisfied.

  • At CiTechT will ensure that our clients’ sites are maintained and updated regularly in order to keep it running smoothly.